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  • Luis Marcel

Atlia celebrates Day of the Dead from a distance

Atlium - 02/NOV/2020

The Day of the Dead is a traditional Mexican celebration, and one of the most important for Atlia, as it is an occasion to meet and commemorate the dear people who have come before us. In the midst of a pandemic, how has Atlia resolved to celebrate this important date from a distance?

The Minister of Telecommunications, Dafne Santamaría, proposed the creation of a digital altar in which citizens could send the photos of their deceased loved ones to be added to the image.

Thus, in the Capital City of Atlium, the Royal Family erected the traditional family altar, this year showing only Guadalupe V .; Lino Héctor R; and Tomasa H.

Altar de Muertos 2020 in Atlium

Prince-Regent next to the Altar de Muertos in Atlium

With regard to the following festivities, the Prince-Regent Luis Marcel has not made any comment on its implementation, but since the State of Precaution launched since last March has not ceased, it is expected that it will also take place in the distance.

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